
Great news! Yongjin corp moving up again!

Category: Company News

The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) released "2023 China 500 Private Companies" and "2023 China 500 Manufacturing Private Companies" on September 12th.

Yongjin Corp received 39.55 billion yuan of revenue in 2022, included in both lists: taking the 310 spot in the 2023 China 500 Private Companies (63 places up from last year), taking the 210 spot in the 2023 China 500 Manufacturing Private Companies (25 place up from last year).

2023 China 500 Private Companies

Rank Company Location Industry Revenue (million yuan)
310 Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technology Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Ferrous metals smelting and rolling 39555.14

2023 China 500 Manufacturing Private Companies

Rank Company Location Industry Revenue (million yuan)
210 Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technology Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Ferrous metals smelting and rolling 39555.14

This year is the 25th consecutive research on up-scale private enterprises organized by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), in which a total of 8,961 enterprises with annual operating revenues of 500 million yuan or more participated. In terms of business conditions, the total business revenue of the Top 500 private enterprises in 2023 amounted to 39.83 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.94%. Total assets amounted to 46.31 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.21%. Net profit after tax is 1.64 trillion yuan, a decrease of 4.86%.

In 2022, in front of various unfavorable factors both domestically and internationally, Yongjin Corp complied with the trend of the times and the nature of development, seeking progress in a stable manner, advancing at a steady pace. We met numerous challenges with the greatest efforts to get the best results. Now we are confident to say we have accomplished considerate achievements.

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Big news! Yongjin corp selected in 2023 china 500 companies list!